
Friday 24 April 2015

How to Deal with EMR in your Home

Products that may help you deal with EMR

PictureElectromagnetic Radiation can affect our body. Mobile phones can affect the head of children. The radiation penetrates into their head.
  • Negative Ionizer
  • Yarrow Environmental Solution
  • Earthing sheet and mats
  • Shungite

Negative Ionizers
The air around us has positive and negative ions in it. When there is a thunderstorm, negative ions are released into the atmosphere. Often after a thunderstorm or lightning, the air feels cleaner or clearer. This is because of the excess of negative ions in the air.
Negative ions are good for our health. They make us feel relaxed and calm. Negative ions abound at the beach. They are generated by the waves breaking. They are also found in great quantities in forests, among the trees.

Positive ions build up in hot, dry weather. They build up with hot, dry winds. People get irritable when it is hot and windy.

Negative ions help to clear the air from EMR. Negative ionizers can be used in rooms in the house where you spend the most time. They make the air feel fresh. It's best to keep windows and outside doors closed so that the ionizers can work on the air in the room.
Yarrow Environmental Solution
This is a flower essence made by the Flower Essence Society. Flower essences are the energy of flowers captured in water. This essence was made after the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster in 1986.T he energy of the flowers used in this combination essence along with potentized sea salt directly counteracts the destructive effects of radiation on the human energy field. It comes in the form of drops which are placed under the tongue. This imparts vitalizing and restorative properties to the aura.

Yarrow Environmental Solution guards against video display terminals, x-rays, radiation therapy, high altitude radiation, detection devices at airport terminals and invasive electromagnetic fields.

Reference:Flower Essence Repertory, Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz

Earthing Sheets and Mats
By connecting us to the ground, we are connected into the Earth's energy. The Earth gives us electrons. These electrons match up with free radicals, those wicked little things that float around in our body causing inflammation and ageing in our body.

These sheets, developed by Clinton Ober, help us to access the energy of the earth from inside our home. These sheets have been specially designed and tested. All the science has been done for us. 
Put the sheet on your bed, plug the end of the wire into the earthing socket of your power point. You don't even have to turn the power point on. This product uses no electricity. Just go to bed as normal.
You will be receiving the electrons from the earth as you sleep. There is also a product to put your bare feet on when sitting at the computer, or to put under your keyboard. You just have to touch these with bare skin. 

Shungite is a rock or crystal with very special properties. It is found in Russia near the border of Finland. It is related to graphite and diamonds but is different from them. It is the only substance on earth that has geodesic formations within it. It is thought to be billions of years old and scientists are still trying to work out how it came to our planet.

This crystal or rock has the science behind it. It has been used by the Russians for hundreds of years to purify water and for healing. it has been proven to negate radiation within certain distances of it.

When this rock is placed in water it purifies it and imparts anti-radiation and antioxidant properties to it. The rock can be placed on computers to stop radiation affecting you. You can place some in your fridge to help you food last longer.

Rooms were lined with this and used for healing after the Chernobyl disaster. A Nobel Prize was given to the scientist who discovered its properties.

PictureRescue Remedy with Shungite in distilled water

Rescue Remedy with Shungite in distilled water.
This remedy has the protective energy of Shungite plus the healing and repairing energy of the Rescue Remedy.

It can be purchased at
My Garden Treasures Ebay store

Other articles about EMR
Static Electricity
How to Reduce Static Electricity
Electro Magnetic Radiation
Where is Electro Magnetic Radiation?
Avoiding Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR)

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